10 Reasons You Need an Asbestos Survey Before Renovating

Renovating a home or commercial property is exciting—new designs, fresh spaces, and an improvement to your environment. But before you call in contractors, there’s something crucial you need to do: Get an asbestos survey. Asbestos is dangerous, and disturbing it during renovations could cause serious health risks to anyone on-site or nearby.

Here are 10 reasons why getting an asbestos survey before renovating is so important.

Asbestos Is Everywhere in Older Buildings

If your property was built before the 1990s, there’s a strong chance it contains asbestos. Until the 1990s, asbestos was used in everything—floor tiles, cement, water tanks, and even textured paint. You might not see it, but it could be in walls, under floors, or in the ceiling. The only way to be sure is by hiring a professional asbestos surveyor.

It’s a Legal Requirement

In many places, starting renovations without checking for asbestos is illegal, especially in commercial or public buildings. If you don’t comply, you could face hefty fines, delays in your project, or legal action if someone gets exposed and sick.

Asbestos Can Be Deadly

Asbestos exposure causes lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other life threatening diseases. These diseases take years to develop, so you might not see the effects immediately, but they are life-altering. A quick survey is nothing compared to such severe health problems. Why risk it?

Renovations Disturb Asbestos

If asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are in good condition and undisturbed, they’re generally safe. But renovations are about disturbing things—ripping up floors, pulling down walls and replacing roofing. Once disturbed, asbestos fibres become airborne, and that’s when they’re hazardous. A survey tells you exactly where asbestos is so you can handle it properly or avoid it altogether.

Save on Clean-up Costs

Removing asbestos is tricky and expensive if you do it wrong. If you unknowingly disturb asbestos and spread the fibres, you’ll be looking at a serious clean-up operation. We’re talking about specialist teams, sealed-off areas, and huge costs. Doing a survey beforehand could save you a lot of money in the long run.

Protect Your Contractors

The people working on your renovation have a right to know if they’re at risk. Without an asbestos survey, you’re putting not only yourself, but also everyone on-site in danger. Asbestos fibres don’t discriminate. Whether it’s an electrician rewiring the house or a plumber replacing pipes, they all deserve to work in a safe environment.

Avoid Project Delays

Imagine halfway through your renovation, a contractor stumbles upon asbestos. The whole project would halt while an emergency asbestos removal team is called in. Getting a survey before you start avoids these costly delays.

Peace of Mind

Renovations are stressful enough without the added worry of asbestos. Knowing your home or building has been thoroughly checked by a professional gives you peace of mind. You can focus on choosing paint colours or new tiles rather than losing sleep over hidden dangers.

Asbestos Isn’t Always Obvious

Contrary to what you might think, you can’t just “spot” asbestos by looking at a material. It’s microscopic. Just because something looks old or suspicious doesn’t mean it has asbestos, and on the flip side, just because something looks safe doesn’t mean it is. Only a licensed asbestos surveyor can test materials and confirm the presence of asbestos.

It’s an Investment in Your Property’s Future

Even if you’re only doing minor renovations now, knowing where asbestos is (or isn’t) can help you plan future projects. The information from an asbestos survey is invaluable. It tells you exactly what materials you’re dealing with, allowing you to make informed decisions in the future.

To Conclude

An asbestos survey isn’t just a box to tick off. It’s about protecting lives, ensuring your project runs smoothly, and safeguarding your property. Don’t gamble with your health—or your renovation budget. Before you touch the first wall, get a professional asbestos survey and from there on, you can renovate with confidence.



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